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Stahl mit einer Härte von 45 Marke Verwitterte Konus Ø 120 mm. mit einer Gesamtlänge von L-300 mm., arbeitenden Teil des Fadens Länge von 190 mm​​., der Durchmesser der Öffnung beträgt 40 mm Ø. bis Ø 90mm. po Anfrage. Verschlussschrauben mit Vollgewinde, osigoryavashti Kegel gegen Verdrehen. Empfohlene Drehzahl 200 Umdrehungen pro Minute. (Vielleicht 200 min. 400 rpm).

I. Disclaimer: 1 - Shop, located on the Internet at www. konusi. com allows you to make internet purchases. 2 - Shop www. konusi. com is managed by: HOLDING PDB 4 - Purchase online shop www. konusi. com constitutes acceptance of these rules. II. Procedure for the submission and execution of contracts: 5 - Order can be made by using the Add To Cart and then through the Proceed to Checkout. In order to properly carry out the procurement procedure, you will need to create a user account with which you can watch the status of your order. 6 - The main condition for their purchases are correct contact details, together with a valid, existing email address and telephone number, which will confirm your order. 7 - In the event of circumstances preventing full or part-time for performance of the contract, the company HOLDING PDB reserves the right to suspend the execution of the contract - the situation agree to immediately notify the Employer. 8 - Orders are filled out incorrectly contact details (e-mail does not exist or no phone) will not be considered. 9 - HOLDING P. D.B. reserves the right to withhold the dubious contracts. 10 - Prices of goods in online store www. konusi. com are given in Bulgarian lev and the U. S. dollar and include VAT (gross price).

Tag der Hinzufügung / Aktualisierung:05.06.2013

Benutzer - registriert seit:05.06.2013

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Statistiken:4609 Impressionen / 1061 Besuche


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